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In a standard or custom format Building Analytics will report the information obtained during the Walk-Through Survey, the Documentation Reviews and Interviews.  We report our Opinions of Probable Costs (OPC) for remedy of the property’s identified physical deficiencies.    

Our reports can be narrative, outline, or checklist style that each contains all the material information collected.  The more standard narrative report includes:

  • A brief Executive Summary describing the property and discussing the general condition of the facility, code violations, and the total estimated costs of required corrective work,

  • A narrative Report describing systems and condition of the major building elements along with any physical deficiencies requiring repair,

  • A description of the nature of repairs required, priority rating,

  • A spreadsheet listing the opinion of probable costs to remedy physical deficiencies, and

  • Photos of the property and the physical deficiencies.

As the Walk-Through Survey is the heart of the assessment (data gathering) the Opinion of Probable Costs (OPC) is the heart of the Property Conditions Assessment Report (data reporting).

Contact us at (888) 440-7225

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